That's why it's Not So Daily folks. I write in spurts. Actually, I do everything in spurts, and the stars must be aligned just right; and there can't be a crazy feeling overwhelming me or ANY melancholy or action will grind to a depressing halt.
Today was one of those days. Wake up, groan, shuffle slowly to the bathroom, avoid the mirror, shuffle back to bed, start up the computer and WAIT! it's not working! Panic sets in... call Zack (an absolute angel of a man who has the patience of Buddha) who calmly gives directions on the remedy. This guy is special... I mean - he fixes computers and in doing so, he makes the world right at that moment for many, many people. Thank you Zack - computer wizard and gentle soul... I'm hundreds of miles away, haven't spoken in several months and he is there to help and calm... calm...calm...
That's the start and it went down from there... and then up! I just love putting away Christmas stuff...especially the lights. So life is good as they like to say in Durango, only - I'm not in Durango so now what?
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