Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10, 2010 - Banning, CA

My Uncle Larry died recently - and those that could, met at his home today to help clear out his things. Since I don't have much time right now to write everything I'd like to both about the day and my uncle, let me just say that you come to realize some important things when you go through someone you cared for's things; photos, gadgets, notes that were left, music instruments, records...stuff, but most of all, I think it was the condition in which he lived... very much alone-which was quite evident.

My uncle was not an alone-type person. He like to be around people, making them laugh and playing his music for them. He enjoyed talking and sharing his views on life and telling funny stories. He appreciated his family connections and wanted to share them with his kin. In the last few years he had taken an interest in laminating copies of old family photos and giving them as gifts at Christmas and throughout the year.

My uncle was alone in his sadness, in his progressively poor health and in his increasingly strong opinions... which to his credit, were often tempered with humor. Who but Uncle Larry would take the time to put laminated notes on his IV pole stating "Jack Daniels" on one arm of the pole and "the strongest white lightening" on the other? Of course he had friends and family that loved him but they were scattered here and there and then he was retired from the United States Postal Service after three or more decades - a large network of friends there.

So, I'm slowly processing the day, my Uncle Larry, my Uncle Larry's dying and now, the removal of all his things...

To be continued...

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