There's a reason this blog is called "not so daily. " Nuff said there.
Maria & Clint went tubing too |
Yesterday turned out to be a warm, sunny Monday what with all the monsoon weather dumping rain on the four corners region, it was a nice change. The Animas river is running high for August which is good for river riders and the businesses that rely on them and after a last minute phone call to my friend Dana, we met for a tube ride down the river. It's relaxing. It's fun. When the sun goes behind the clouds, it's chilly. My tube starting losing air but it lasted the hour and a half bobbing, bumpy ride to the take out. Fun times!
Back home after a ten day house and pet-sitting stay usually requires an adjustment. Victor (my husband) has a "different" concept of landscaping - preferring to employ "useful tings" (as he puts it), as decorations. It's always a joy to pull up to the house to see what new items have been added to the landscape. Upon my return home this time, there was a child's bike (no front wheel), an adult bike (it actually rides very nicely), a construction work zone partially blocking the parking area and a 1964 new/old step van that he is smartening up for his dream-of-a-lifetime specialty meals on wheels, hot tamale wagon food-to-go business. He is excited! I'm glad that he is excited...really. The painting business has taken an extended dive off a cliff and perhaps this will be the parachute.
Sunny morning |
So... my current contribution to the household has been my garden. At first I thought it was doomed. Everything seemed to be sampling the new plants before they even had a chance to take root. It was hot - and dry. I'd been fending off chickens sneaking into the growing ground to scratch. I was beginning to think that my green thumb had turned black and then - the rains came. Every afternoon, or evening; or throughout the night...what a joy! Such a welcome respite! Not only does the water bill adjust...but the garden...oh the garden grew.
Sunflowers and hollyhocks |
Now I have some very large squash to enter at the La Plata County Fair this week. Now I have flowers surrounding and concealing my garden fence. Now there is hope that there will be some canning activity and fresh vegetables for the table... and to share. This garden gives me a sense of accomplishment while I have no gainful employment. Sure, I'm finding ways to take care of my financial obligations, but it's a day to day sort of a thing. My garden has become a strong focus and it's success holds my self-worth in it's curling tendrils of snap peas, rigorously growing cucumbers and fragrantly abundant herbs. Since I've been back home, I've spent some hours plucking weeds from the beds; thinning the chard and spinach; tying up the tomatoes and cukes and harvesting.
Tomorrow is the day I take my entries to the fair... and because I didn't know if I'd have any produce to show, I decided to take some of my husband's useful stuff (and some of mine too) and assemble an entry for the scarecrow contest. Using whatever I could find, it has come together to form a rather unconventional figure that is certain to ward off undesirables. If it doesn't, then it's sure to make people scratch their heads and wonder "wha...?" (I'll post a picture when it's fully assembled).
Little alarm clocks |
Finally, I just have to mention the new chicken additions. These cute little cochin batams were not my idea especially since all four are roosters. But... they really are too cute with their feathered feet and small statures. They roam unruffled as one when scratching around the property, obediently returning to their enclosure early each afternoon. They are, of course, one of Victor's acquisitions given to him eagerly and without cost - but what does one do with four small black roosters? Because they are young and used to one another, they aren't aggressive and they don't eat much...but they have this habit of repeated vocalizations each morning close to 5am. One starts a gurgling crow...and they politely take turns for just about an hour and then a sudden but welcome quiet. What to do? You tell me. Would anyone like an adorable living alarm clock?
Next up... a trip to Denver to see family and friends.
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