Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pooh to Valentine's Day ~ Yes to V-Day!

What is this ridiculous expense we go to for this day supposedly for romance and love...! Do you really think that special someone should buy that card or box of expensive (or not) chocolates or bouquet of roses from a pesticided Central American flower operation just because some guys named Valentine (maybe three of them) became Christian martyrs which had nothing to do with love at all; then the powers that were, decided to tie in a Saint to the current pagan celebration; which then, much later became a misinterpretation of a poem of Chaucer; that turned into the exploitation of feuding (or not) lovers to blissfully unite upon receipt of a special card or gift...(ok- so that's not an accurate assessment, but look it up - it's really pretty muddled and crazy).

The bottom line is...yes, it's nice for that special someone to remember you on this day...but what about all the rest of the year? Just one day to show that you care and with a box of chocolates that will just add to your waistline or worse? And yes, of course it's nice to know that you will wear red or pink or lavender with matching red hearts hanging from your ear lobes so you have that one nailed...but I can't help but rebel against the obnoxiousness of it all - reducing caring, commitment and love to candy hearts and dinner out?

Do I sound like a sour apple here? I'm really not. I just abhor the way consumerism has taken a hold of every special occasion and holiday and put a price tag on it... and an expectation that if one doesn't receive something, anything...they are not loved or cared for or worthy. Which brings me to an awesome cause to support on this day and everyday. Check out this link for a meaningful way to contribute.

Oh, and I secretly love getting flowers....shhhh.

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