Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Stuff to do
I'm a list-maker.  I want to believe that if I write down things I won't forget about them...  Well, sometimes that works - sometimes not.  I make lists for a lot of things.  Books I want to read, movies I want to watch, cds or songs I just have to have.  I have a bucket list and a list of projects... and of course I have that ever-present To Do list. 

Making lists satisfies something for me.  It leads me to think that I'll actually DO  something about the things I've listed... and I do.  I make more lists!  I move undone items to a new slip of paper... I go out and buy list-making post-it notes with lines.  I create lists for the day and when I don't get everything accomplished, I move them to another list for the week - which often turns into a list that's calendared to get done sometime within a month and then that turns into just "sometime."
Well...some things are done at least

Within the lists I create, I number them...or sometimes I rank them for their level of importance with little stars.  I always end up cheating adding stars to things that I WANT to do and leaving the dull and awful tasks like doing my taxes with no stars and the going to lunch or hiking with a friend with multiple stars.  This often leads to a  'things that absolutely must get done today' list.

One of several bucket lists...
Occasionally I achieve a level of satisfaction when I can actually scratch an item off a list.  It's usually an easy thing like a reminder to call a friend about something or that I need to take out the trash.  The things that I list that take time and effort - ha!  Those are the things that get moved a lot... so when I actually complete (or mostly complete) a list I've made, I feel good.  Then I celebrate by ignoring all the things that I've listed that I have to do... which deflates that sense of accomplishment and sends me back to the top of the list.  Darn!

Some lists on my computer
So ~ I have a question for you... are you a list maker?  If you are, what do you make lists for?  What's the weirdest thing you've made a list for?  Are they effective?  What kind of advice do you have for me so that I can make progress on MY lists?  Finally... make a list and post in the comments here!
~ 3 of your favorite movies; 3 of your favorite books; 3 of your favorite foods; 3 of your favorite places to go; and 3 of your favorite things ever!